
The Importance of Vegan Activism

What is activism Activism is the efforts to change society in some way, usually because of injustice, inequality, or oppression. Forms of activism include: writing letters, signing petitions, making art, running or contributing to a political campaign, rallies, marches, protests, strikes, sit-ins, boycotting, and civil disobedience. When collective action is purposeful, organized, and sustained over […]

Climate Change and Veganism

Introduction Climate change, despite still being denied by many, is a well established theory with overwhelming evidence to support it. Climate scientists have been warning governments around the world for decades to take necessary steps to reduce global carbon emissions to avoid climate catastrophe, but so far not enough has been done to combat this […]

How to Deal with Loneliness

Introduction Loneliness is the reaction to physical isolation, or perceived isolation and alienation in the presence of other people. It can cause a variety of unpleasant emotional responses, and can increase the risk of a number of health problems. Research has shown that loneliness is prevalent throughout society, including people in marriages, relationships, families, veterans, […]

The Bomb in the Brain

This 6-part video series, which features youtuber and philosopher Stefan Molyneux, explores the causes of violence, and the effects of childhood trauma on brain development. It is an important and interesting subject, particularly if you are interested in psychology, the causes of violence or child development. (If you only have time to watch one video, […]

Why Slaughterhouses Should Be Illegal

Introduction Slaughterhouses have no place in the 21st century; they are barbaric, unnecessary, cause suffering to both animals and humans, and the killing of countless lives who wanted to live and be free. Problems Mental health problems – [1] [2] Amputations – Slaughterhouse workers are more likely to be violent Slaughterhouses and increased crime rates [1] [2] […]

Animal Liberation

Welcome to post #2. The theme of this post is veganism and animal liberation, which I have been learning about extensively over the last year or so, and have been campaigning for through both online and street activism. I even started making an album of vegan related songs. Many people overcomplicate this topic, not because […]