Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter is the ongoing writing project by Scott Houghton. It covers various topics from psychology and philosophy, to spirituality and self-actualisation. It’s about learning to use your mind to overcome problems, improve yourself and achieve the best life possible.
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How to Overcome Addiction
Introduction Addiction is an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behaviour even though it is causing psychological and physical harm. It can also be thought of as a dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward, motivation, and memory. The following is a list of common and addictive coping strategies […]
Advice for Incels
Introduction Incel stands for ‘involuntary celibate’, and represents a demographic of people who are unable or unsuccessful at getting a romantic or sexual partner. Unlike asexuals, who have little to no sexual desire, incels do have romantic and/or sexual desires but are not getting their needs met. According to one poll, the majority of responders […]
How to Deal With Paranoia
Introduction Paranoia is a thought process that often involves persecutory beliefs or conspiratorial thinking, and may be triggered or exacerbated by anxiety and fear. It is typically characterised by the expression “everyone is out to get me.” A general distrust of others, false accusations, and attributing meaning where there is none may also accompany paranoia. […]
How to Thrive in the Battle of Life
This video by Academy of Ideas discusses the idea that life is like a battle, and outlines some approaches and strategies to help us to thrive regardless of the challenges we will face. Best Quotes 2:31 “Rigidity, in thought or action, almost guarantees failure in the battle of life. For when we are overly set […]
How to Handle Rejection
Introduction The experience of rejection is a painful, yet common one that will affect most people at some point in their life. It may occur in the following situations: interpersonal, romantic, family estrangement, and employment.. One of the reasons rejection can be a difficult and unpleasant experience is that we all naturally have needs for […]
How to Manage Stress
Introduction Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. It can also be thought of as a type of psychological pain. In small amounts, it is tolerable, and can even be beneficial and health. In excessive amounts, however, it can lead to mental fatigue and pshycial […]
Steve Vai – Life Lessons
This video features American guitarist Steve Vai, who shares some words of wisdom and lessons he has learned in life. He also covers his experience of depression, and how he tried to get out of it. 0:00 “If you change the way you’re looking at something, whatever you’re looking at will change.” 0:28 “Probably three […]
How to Handle Panic Attacks
Introduction Panic attacks are periods of intense fear or worry that suddenly occur, and are usually accompanied by physical symptoms, including: sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, palpitations, increased heart rate, numbness, chest pain, nausea, and a feeling of impending doom. The duration may vary from a seconds to hours, but usually last for minutes. They […]
How to Deal With Intrusive Thoughts
Introduction Intrusive thoughts are involuntary and unwelcome thoughts or images that are upsetting or distressing to the person experiencing them. They may become an obsession, and are generally difficult to manage or eliminate. They may be a symptom of an underlying disorder including: obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, body dysmorphic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, psychosis, […]
Yoda’s Wisdom for Inner Peace
In this video by youtuber Einzelgänger, he explores the Jedi philosophy in the Star Wars films through the character Yoda. He notes that there are some similarities to the practices found in Stoicism and the teachings of Buddhism. The four points covered in the video are as follows: 1) Detachment sets us free 2) Equanimity is key […]
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